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Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 2014 Han edition cultivate one morality men long sleeve T-shirt
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Item Number: # 1000028
Model: N-108
Material: Pure cotton
Gender: Women
Season: Summer Winter
Price: US$12.99  
55% Off
USD $ 28.66 Save $15.67
Processing Time 1-3 day
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Shipping Time (EMS): 3-4 business days
Shipping Time (DHL): 5-7 business days
Shipping Time (Registered): 10-30 business days
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Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 2014 Han edition cultivate one morality men long sleeve T-shirt

Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 2014 Han edition cultivate one morality men long sleeve T-shirt


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1.    Full refund if you don’t receive your order


You will get a full refund if your order does not arrive within the delivery time promised by the seller.


 How it works:


Sellers on set a delivery time with a maximum of 60 days (90 days for deliveries to Russia). If you can prove that you did not receive your order within the stated delivery time, you will get a full refund.


Full refunds are not available in the following circumstances:


·         Your order did not arrive due to factors within your control (i.e. providing the wrong shipping address)

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2.    Refund or keep items not as described


You can get a full refund if your item is significantly different from the seller’s description, or you can choose a partial refund and keep the product.


How it works:


Every seller sets a return policy to resolve issues where the item is not as described (i.e. who is responsible for return shipping costs). If your item is not as described, you should contact the seller to discuss a resolution. If you can accept the product and want to keep it, you should negotiate a partial refund. Otherwise, you will get a full refund as established by the seller’s return policy.



Sellers can also offer additional guarantees for their products:


1.    Longer Protection


You get 15 extra days to submit a Refund Request after your order has been completed.


How it works:


If your haven’t received your item or find that it’s not as described after the order is complete, you can still submit a refund request for up to 15 days.*


*If you submit a refund request before the order is complete and then mark it as resolved, you cannot submit another refund request, even if the seller provides this service.


2.    Extra Returns


You can return any product you have bought, even those in perfect condition. Please ensure that the product has not been used and is in the original packaging. The seller or the buyer pays the return shipping costs.


How it works:


You can return your purchase for any reason and get a full refund. The seller’s return policy will determine who is responsible for the return shipping costs.*


*This service becomes unavailable after the order is complete.


3.    Guaranteed Genuine


If your purchase is found to be counterfeit, you can get up to two times the total amount you paid for it (shipping costs excluded).


How it works:


This service is offered by sellers participating in the AliExpress Guaranteed Genuine Program and covers certain types of products (see below). Participating sellers guarantee that their products are genuine. If they are found to be counterfeit, the seller will compensate the buyer by paying them up to two times the total cost of the products (shipping costs excluded). will also fully refund the cost of the purchase.*


*These products can also be covered by the Longer Protection guarantee.

Products Included in the Guaranteed Genuine Program


 Jewelry


Participating sellers will assure that the jewelry they sell on is genuine and matches the product description.


 Computers, Communication Devices, Consumer Electronics, Watches, and other digital products


Participating sellers guarantee that the products they sell on are genuine brand name products.


When can I request a refund under the Guaranteed Genuine Program?


You can request a refund if all of the following conditions are satisfied:


1. The products were purchased on and are included in the Guaranteed Genuine Program (as described above).
2. The products are reasonably believed to be counterfeits or are different from their product descriptions on
3. The refund request complies with all other relevant rules and policies of*


*Note: If you do not click ‘Confirm Order Received’ in My AliExpress before the confirmation time limit expires, will automatically consider the order to be satisfactory and will consider the order complete.


Compensation Standards:


Different product categories have different standards of compensation:


·  Computers, Communication Devices, Digital Products and Consumer Electronics:

  Why did my payment fail?

If your payment for an order has failed, please check it is not due to the following situations:


Card security code failed1

Please note that an incorrect card security code could cause payment failure. Card security code is the short numeric code on the back of your credit card. Please verify that you have entered the correct card security code and try again.

Insufficient fund

If you meet the insufficient fund error log when you make payment by credit card, please make sure that you have sufficient funds in your account and that payment for your order does not exceed your credit limit.

Please also make sure you have used a Visa or MasterCard personal credit card to finish payment, because at present debit card or business card is unable to be supported.

Exceed limit

Please make sure the order amount does not exceed your credit card limit. Or the payment is unable to go through smoothly.

The 3-D security code failed

Please make sure that:

1. Your credit card should be authorized by your credit card issuer to make an online payment by activating 3-D Security Code.

2. Your credit card has activated 3-D security code. If you have not activated 3-D Security Code, please contact your card issuer with this issue.

The 3-D Security Code for Visa is called Verified by Visa (VBV) and for Master Card is called MasterCard Secure Code.


Verification failed

If your order has been closed for security reason, your payment will not be deducted by AliExpress. However, some banks would hold this payment in this situation. Usually the bank will reserve the payment for up to 7 business days before releasing back to the card holder. If you have any concern about your payment, please be advised to check with your credit card company for details.


In the future, to avoid order cancellation, please follow the below steps to submit a claim:


1. Login Transactions and locate the order that has been closed for security reason

2. Click "View Details" and click "Want to Claim"

How do I extend the 'order received' deadline?

Suppliers are allowed to extend the deadline for you to confirm order received. If you would like to do so, please contact the supplier immediately. By doing so, your payment will still be held by AliExpress until you confirm satisfactory receipt of your order.

Alternatively, you can also Open Dispute before the due date, which prevents money from being released to the supplier. You can cancel the dispute once the current problem has been resolved.

For a step by step process on how to file for a dispute, please Click here

You can request a refund if all of the following conditions are satisfied:


1. The products were purchased on and are included in the Guaranteed Genuine Program (as described above).
2. The products are reasonably believed to be counterfeits or are different from their product descriptions on
3. The refund request complies with all other relevant rules and policies of* 


*Note: If you do not click ‘Confirm Order Received’ in My AliExpress  before the confirmation time limit expires,  will automatically consider the order to be satisfactory and will  consider the order complete.\'s

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Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 2014 Han edition cultivate one morality men long sleeve T-shirt
Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 201...10-14-31
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Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 2014 Han edition cultivate one morality men long sleeve T-shirt
Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 201...10-14-31
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Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 2014 Han edition cultivate one morality men long sleeve T-shirt
Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 201...10-14-31
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Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 2014 Han edition cultivate one morality men long sleeve T-shirt
Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 201...10-14-31
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Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 2014 Han edition cultivate one morality men long sleeve T-shirt
Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 201...10-14-31
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Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 2014 Han edition cultivate one morality men long sleeve T-shirt
Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 201...10-14-31
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Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 2014 Han edition cultivate one morality men long sleeve T-shirt
Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 201...10-14-31
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Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 2014 Han edition cultivate one morality men long sleeve T-shirt
Long sleeve mens wear the new spring 201...10-14-31
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